Thứ Năm, 27/02/2025
How to improve tool life in turning The three main machining parameters when turning are speed, feed, and depth of cut. Each has an effect on tool life, for best turning tool life: Reduce cutting speed, vc (to reduce heat) Optimize feed, fn (for shortest cutting time) Optimize depth of cut, ap (to reduce the number of cuts) Cutting speed, vc Too low Built-up...
Thứ Năm, 27/02/2025
Turning components: How to achieve good component quality To achieve quality turned components, chip control is one of the most important factors to consider. Choose the correct cutting data and follow our application tips for good component quality. Successful chip control Chip control is one of the key factors in turning and there...
Thứ Năm, 27/02/2025
Turning tool set-up Good quality in turning is mainly dependent on the tool system and how it is used together with the cutting material. Overhang For an optimal turning tool set-up, use a tool holder with as short overhang as possible to avoid vibration. We recommend to use a sub-spindle or tailstock for...
Thứ Năm, 27/02/2025
Internal turning Internal turning operations machines the inner diameter of the workpiece. Long overhangs and poor chip evacuation are two of the challenges with internal turning. Long overhangs can cause problems with both deflection and vibrations. Vibrations and poor chip evacuation can cause insert breakages. Difficulties with chip evacuation can also...